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SiE Information SQMS: Digital Quality Management Adding Benefits to Enterprise Market Competition

Quality management is an important component of enterprise operation, which includes setting quality objectives, formulating quality policies and plans, conducting quality planning, quality control, quality assurance, quality improvement, and other links. In the early days, quality management was usually considered only a matter of the quality management functional department, but in the production management process of modern enterprises, quality management must run through the entire process of enterprise production and operation, requiring the participation of all staff.

After experiencing the COVID-19 this year, many enterprises are reflecting on how labor-intensive enterprises can avoid the serious impact on their production due to the reduction of human efficiency and the increase of human costs. With the growing popularity of PLM and ERP systems, the digitalization and intelligence of enterprises continue to improve, as well as their R&D capabilities and cost control capabilities. Faced with fierce market competition and the overall improvement of manufacturing industry level, some leading enterprises in the industry are increasingly realizing that product and service quality has become the focus of the next round of competition, allowing "digitization" to try to remove the uncertain impact of "people" and make the cost of quality management more controllable.

SiE Information, one of the leading enterprises in the field of digital services for domestic enterprises, focuses on the application of new generation information technology, industrial internet, intelligent manufacturing, digital transformation technology, and business models. SiE Information has fully independent intellectual property rights, and the SMOM SiE Manufacturing Operation Management Platform is a comprehensive solution based on the design concept of digitalization and intelligent chemical plants, targeting manufacturing enterprises, especially discrete industries, It is the guarantee system for the business system of the internal engineering, planning, logistics, production, and quality departments of the enterprise. SQMS is a quality management system among the eight sub product modules.


SMOM-QMS: Quality Management System Based on "PDCA Continuous Improvement"

The SMOM-QMS product is a practice and summary of SiE Information Integration in various industries, especially in discrete manufacturing customers. It is committed to establishing a "PDCA continuous improvement" quality management system to achieve quality monitoring, early warning, analysis, and improvement in the manufacturing process. The core modules of the product include: inspection standard management, incoming material quality management, process quality management, finished product quality management, PDCA quality improvement management, SPC monitoring and early warning. Through each module, supplier quality control, production process quality control, quality analysis, real-time dashboard monitoring, etc. are achieved.

The SiE Information SQMS quality management system mainly helps enterprises achieve standardization of inspection standards, integration of quality data, visualization of quality management, real-time warning of quality abnormalities, and closed-loop tracking of quality improvement from various aspects such as quality prevention, quality control, quality analysis, quality improvement, and quality traceability, in order to improve their product quality assurance capabilities; Provide timely response and reminders for production data statistics, SPC real-time warning, quality anomaly real-time monitoring, quality data collection and analysis, KPI management, improvement, prevention, quality traceability, and other aspects, helping enterprises build a quality monitoring platform based on PDCA management philosophy.

The SiE Information SQMS quality management system mainly has nine functions:

1. Standardization of inspection requirements

2. Intelligent sampling transfer rules

3. Quality inspection management

4. mobiles applications

5. Quality improvement closed-loop management

6. SPC real-time warning

7. Data analysis and KPI management

8. Quality Data Visualization

9. Full name quality traceability management

Efficient management, collaborative technology, secure and reliable


The quality management system of SiE Information SQMS is managed by a unified MOM platform, which can achieve efficient collaboration among production, quality, and logistics. Different role-based workbench management modes are set up, allowing users to flexibly configure workbench content and assist them in centralized management of work tasks. Modular application of products, each module can be sold and implemented independently. SPC management tools can flexibly interface with various on-site testing equipment, achieving real-time monitoring and early warning of production process abnormalities. In addition, flexible sampling schemes and intelligent sampling transfer rule algorithms can be configured to achieve fast and efficient execution of characters. In terms of technical security, it supports RBAC security authentication and hierarchical permission control. Support B/S and C/S technology architectures, with PC and mobiles multi clock user experience modes.

With the continuous application of new user scenarioses and new generation information technology, SiE Information has also increased research and development investment in recent years, upgrading and optimizing products. The SQMS quality management system has also been continuously upgraded and iterated to version 8.2, which is more in line with the more precise quality management requirements of enterprise users.

Enterprise quality management comes from precise information and data in production, therefore digitization and informatization are the fundamental work of modern quality management in enterprises. SiE Information has been deeply involved in the field of enterprise digital transformation for 15 years, and has rich practical experience and profound industry insights in helping enterprises embark on the innovative path of digital transformation. New technologies and market demand are forcing enterprises to implement more precise quality management, and SiE Information will also use products and services that are more tailored to user needs to enable more enterprises to achieve "intelligent manufacturing" upgrades.



SiE Information SQMS: Digital Quality Management Adding Benefits to Enterprise Market Competition
