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Digital Navigation, Gathering and Drawing the Future - The 2021 SiE Information User Conference Successfully Held

  • News and Information | 2023-06-10 11:48:03
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From October 29th to 30th, the 2021 China Enterprise Digital Summit and SiE Information User Conference will be held grandly by the bank of Jinji Lake in Suzhou! As a well-known professional digital event in China, the SiE Information User Conference has been successfully held until its eighth consecutive session. The theme of the conference is "Digital Navigation, Gathering to Draw the Future". Over 700 industry experts, scholars, elites, and executives gathered on-site, focusing on the digital transformation and upgrading of enterprises in the digital economy era, and jointly promoting the development of the digital future.

Anchoring the digital construction and intelligent manufacturing transformation of enterprises, SiE Information presented the company's innovative achievements and industry observations in the fields of digital transformation, intelligent manufacturing, industrial management software, and other fields over the past 16 years to on-site guests at the conference. At the same time, it invited Mao Jiye, Dean of the School of Business at Renmin University of China, Huang Pei, CEO of e-works, Mr. Xie Junyuan, Professor of Nanjing University, Huawei Cloud SAP and other heavyweight guests gave wonderful keynote speeches at the conference, and Anhui Heli and XCMG Group, as enterprise representatives, shared their experiences and reflections on the digital transformation process.

16 years of striving forward and embarking on a new journey

At the opening ceremony of the main forum, Mr. Zhang Chengkang, Chairman and CEO of SiE Information, shared the theme of "Digital Navigation, Gathering to Draw the Future". He first expressed his gratitude to all customers and partners for their companionship and support to SiE Information over the past 16 years. Looking back on the development process of 16 years, Mr. Zhang Chengkang shared the strategic layout and achievements of SiE Information, and also talked about future development plans and goals with foresight.

Starting from 2005, SiE Information has developed from a regional enterprise to a listed enterprise with over 17 subsidiaries and delivery centers nationwide. Relying on the steady growth of performance in the South China region, SiE Information continues to expand its market share, with the East China region being one of its key business areas. With the integration of Jingtong subsidiary and Jidian subsidiary, in the future, SiE Information will establish an East China headquarters centered in Shanghai and radiating to the Yangtze River Delta in the East China region, further consolidating the business layout in East China. The once promised ambition of "rebuilding South China" is being realized step by step.

Collaborative symbiosesis construction of end-to-end full scene digital transformation solutions

The global industry has entered a period of accelerated transformation from industrial economy to digital economy, and the integration and development of industries with the digital economy as the core has become a trend. Industrial informatization has become a typical representative of the integration of digital economy and industry, and is a representative direction for global future industrial development. In the future, with the continuous improvement of China's manufacturing technology level and the rapid development of high-end manufacturing, the global manufacturing industry will be centered around China, and industrial connections will be further enhanced. The resource integration ability of China's manufacturing industry will be further enhanced.

At the conference, Mr. Zhang Chengkang also proposed that SiE Information focuses on building end-to-end full scene digital transformation solutions. Faced with the digital transformation needs of enterprises at different stages of development, The "9+9+9" precipitated by SiE Information in 2016 Based on the product system of 9 major agent manufacturers, 9 major independent products, and 9 major ecological partners, the company provides end-to-end full scene digital transformation solutions for enterprises through a four in one enterprise digital transformation service system from digital consulting to implementation, technology development, and operation and maintenance. Through the four step enterprise digital path of theoretical innovation, scenario design, content production, and technology implementation, SiE Information provides enterprises in different industries and application fields with end-to-end digital transformation solutions Jing provides targeted solutions.

In the PCB industry, SiE Information has gained a deep understanding and insight into the pain points faced by a leading enterprise such as plan and material imbalance and production capacity imbalance. It has built an APS integrated plan adaptive management platform for customers, helping them achieve automated system control from order entry to order placement. By establishing an AP system, end-to-end linkage has been achieved, helping enterprises respond quickly. Only the order review time has been reduced by nearly 2/3. Through project implementation, customer automation and timeliness have been improved, the main plan can be quickly and automatically adjusted with changes in orders and on-site abnormalities, and the capital turnover ability has also been greatly improved.

In the digital integrated supply chain solution provided to a leading cross-border e-commerce enterprise, SiE Information utilizes Huawei Cloud and AI technology to empower the enterprise to achieve order visualization, risk warning, and intelligent supply chain operation capabilities. At this conference, Huawei and SiE Information jointly released the "Digital Supply Chain Integration Solution" to help enterprises solve the challenges of digital supply chain transformation.


Huawei X SiE Information Digital Supply Chain Integration Solution

Strengthening Foundations and Founding Souls, Continuously Strengthening Technical Research and Development Investment

Since its development for 16 years, SiE Information has focused on expanding and laying out digital solutions for 23 industries. The main premise for achieving this is SiE Information's emphasis on and continuous investment in compatible digital technologies.

In the field of industrial management software for intelligent manufacturing, SiE Information has developed an SMOM (SiE Information Manufacturing Operation Management System) with independent intellectual property rights. From the business operation management layer to the workshop manufacturing management service system, it focuses on six core business modules: planning scheduling, logistics management, production management, quality management, equipment management, and operation management, Develop a comprehensive solution for intelligent manufacturing with the goal of intelligent factories. And based on the differences in various industries, we have developed industry kit solutions that are suitable for different industries, such as electronic industry kits, PCB industry kits, customized home furnishings industry kits, etc., covering the entire process of research, supply, production, sales, and service, providing enterprises with "standard platform+industry kit package+configuration services".

The "Gu Shen" platform, a technology platform independently developed by SiE Information, is an enterprise cloud platform that integrates design, development, integration, implementation, application, and governance. It constructs a design model, business model, and development framework. After several iterations and upgrades, the software factory platform has been developed and released based on the Gu Shen platform, and the enterprise application system research and development process is integrated on a unified platform to achieve full process control.

In the future, with the development of "intelligence" in the manufacturing industry, SiE Information will continue to increase investment in the research and development of industrial management software for intelligent manufacturing, expand channels to further strengthen the application and promotion of technology.

Focusing on China's Going Global with Chinese Enterprises

This SiE Information User Conference, in addition to the joint release of the "Digital Supply Chain Integration Solution" by Huawei and SiE Information, also brought several heavyweight digital transformation achievements such as the "China Intelligent Manufacturing White Paper" and "SiE Information Suzhou mobiles Joint Solution". This year is a crucial year for the digital transformation of the 14th Five Year Plan. In the era of the digital economy, the country is vigorously encouraging various powerful and reputable Chinese enterprises to accelerate their "going global" and actively participate in international competition and cooperation. There will be times when the wind blows and the waves break, hanging clouds and sailing straight to the vast sea. After 16 years of hard work and empowering enterprises to achieve digital transformation, SiE Information's original intention remains unchanged. In the past, SiE Information's goal was to "turn Chinese enterprises into global enterprises." In the future, SiE Information hopes to focus on China, look at the world, and go global with Chinese enterprises. "Number" is the new concept of China's intelligent manufacturing

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