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Southern Daily: SiE Information cultivates the "strongest brain" and releases data value

  • Media attention | 2023-06-10 16:33:23
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At a certain Danone factory, through constantly refreshing Kanban data, management personnel can real-time understand the supplier's feeding and stocking needs, equipment mobility, finished product warehousing, shipment execution, and other situations, and respond more quickly to the market.

The provider of this digital solution is Guangdong Industrial Management Software Enterprise SiE Information Technology Co., Ltd. Including the fast-moving consumer goods industry, SiE Information has provided products and solutions to 23 key industries such as communication, electronics, home appliances, and home furnishings, serving over 1000 corporate customers in different industries, of which 70% are Fortune 500, listed companies, and industry leaders.

With the development of digital technologies such as 5G, AI, and big data, industrial management software has also evolved from management informatization in the past to an important lever in intelligent manufacturing. SiE Information has evolved from tool based software in specific fields to full lifecycle software in the tool chain, upstream and downstream, and end-to-end, and further developed into digital production and manufacturing platforms.

The recently issued "Overall Layout Plan for the Construction of Digital China" points out that the focus of economic development should continue to be on the real economy, solidly promote new industrialization, accelerate the construction of a strong manufacturing country, a strong quality country, a strong network country, and a digital China, and create a digital industry cluster with international competitiveness. Standing at an important juncture in the construction of digital China, SiE Information is based on the development of the manufacturing industry and provides the "strongest brain" for the manufacturing industry through networking, digitization, and intelligence.

 Activate data value▶▷

    Sediment experience as a basis for decision-making


The "Overall Layout Plan for the Construction of Digital China" mentions the "smooth circulation of data resources", with the aim of maximizing the value of all data elements.

For a long time, enterprises seem to have big data, but data assets are difficult to transform into data value. The management tools that originally helped improve efficiency have in turn become constraints on enterprise development.

How to solve the problem of "data chimneys" and "information silos" within enterprises? SiE Information has long been able to provide integrated digital solutions for enterprises, starting with industrial management software.

With this set of solutions, in the industrial field, the ability to collect and comprehensively perceive data has been preliminarily established, which can activate the value of massive data. Through bottom-up information flow and top-down decision-making flow, it forms a closed-loop of industrial intelligence application, becoming the key to industrial intelligence transformation.

The digital solution transforms the experience of workers and experts, based on human decision-making feedback, into a model based on autonomous modeling, decision-making, and feedback of machines or systems. By constructing algorithm models, it strengthens the data insight ability of manufacturing enterprises and solves complex and unknown problems in industry, "said Zhang Chengkang, Chairman of SiE Information, who implements large-scale reasoning based on knowledge aggregation, It can help achieve broader and more reliable management and decision-making processes.

With the popularity of Xiaoxiong Electric Appliances, which has gained popularity on the internet, comprehensive information application has become an important driving force for enterprises to maintain strong and vibrant brand competitiveness.

All along, SiE Information has assisted Xiaoxiong Electric to launch multiple sets of information systems, and through seamless integration and deepening application between systems, it has comprehensively innovated the management mode of the enterprise, helping to connect the entire management of research and development, production, supply chain, sales, and finance, improving efficiency while also reducing costs.

In the digital era, enterprises can use big data to make decisions and invite users to participate in experience design, and users are no longer bystanders, "said Zhang Chengkang.

Danone is also responsible for tapping the potential of data. At a certain base of Danone, 160 types of equipment, including drilling rigs, gongs, electroplating lines, chemical gold lines, and other key equipment, have completed online data collection, accounting for 80% of the total number of equipment in the factory. The equipment has over 100000 data collection points, ranking among the top in the industry, providing a big data foundation for deep digital applications.

Now, on-site management personnel can use the data management platform to query equipment OEE, equipment alarm data, equipment energy consumption data, equipment parameter data, and obtain equipment performance analysis reports, achieving real-time monitoring of equipment, abnormal warning, and historical tracing.

By "salvaging silent data", SiE Information has evolved from solving user needs to actively insight into user needs. By dedicating itself to insight into customers, exploring new application scenarioses, and combining different digital technologies and products and services, SiE Information brings continuous value to customers.

    Deepen the industrial chain▶▷

  Assist in transitioning from "strong chain" to "strong cluster"


Whether it's empowering Danone or Xiaoxiong Electric, the digital application of SiE Information takes the lead in targeting top customers in the industry. By strengthening communication with industry leaders, establishing cases, expanding industry influence, and promoting the "snowball" development of digital friend circles.

Lv Hanbin, vice president of data and digital transformation of Danone Group, said: "We will promote this model to four factories, namely Fengrun, Qionglai, Zhongshan and Xi'an. Each factory will implement this model for three months, and the model will be spread to two factories every year."

After achieving tangible results in leading enterprises, digitization quickly spreads to similar small and medium-sized enterprises; Through the advanced practices of large enterprises, the accumulation of experience can be quickly replicated to form infrastructure services, greatly simplifying the path for small and medium-sized enterprises to access universal technology and focusing on innovation and creating results.

A large "chain owner" enterprise can influence hundreds or thousands of enterprises, as well as hold the "nose of the ox" in the industrial and supply chains. SiE Information is deepening its efforts in industrial clusters to promote digital transformation of enterprises, following the trend of "big leading small" chain transformation in the manufacturing industry, expanding from early single point large customers to small and medium-sized customers in the industrial chain, and thus promoting the industry from "strong chain" to "strong cluster".

Behind this is a profound change in the global manufacturing landscape - competition in the Industry 4.0 era, where competition between enterprises is becoming competition between industry chains. Next, SiE Information will continue to deepen into industrial clusters and collaborate with benchmark applications to promote more small and medium-sized enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

    Digital Sail Away▶▷

    Opening up a new global landscape for enterprises


This year, seizing the opportunity of "dual circulation", Guangdong is striving to do a good job in the combination of "five external linkage", promoting the "Made in Guangdong" to set sail and accelerate the high-quality development of foreign trade and foreign investment.

While Guangdong is closely connected to the world, the supply chain system is also being reshaped. Therefore, SiE Information is accelerating its digital deployment and establishing a more flexible decision-making and supply system for Chinese enterprises to go global. This year, SiE Information will focus on exploring overseas markets and expanding its business to Southeast Asia, South America, Africa and other places.

It should be noted that behind the wave of enterprise going global, the application subjects and scenarioses of digital technology are quietly changing. Previously, the wave of digital enterprises going overseas mainly came from digital industry companies such as gaming, video, and short video. Now, more and more enterprises are trying to expand their overseas business using digital technology.

International industrial software companies such as Siemens enter the Chinese market in the process of serving multinational enterprises. Similarly, with the export of Chinese manufactured products and services, software services will inevitably go global and help global manufacturing enterprises achieve digital transformation. "Zhang Chengkang said that China will shift from a product oriented to a service oriented global supply model.

Zhang Chengkang introduced that with the increasing number of globalized enterprises in China, under the collectivization model, the Chinese headquarters should better provide support for enterprises scattered around the world, and global subordinate enterprises should also achieve more value through optimizing resource allocations, which has become an important task faced by the group's digital system. This will further promote digital overseas and bring new market opportunities.


Dialogue with Zhang Chengkang, Chairman of SiE Information:

Running with the Chaoyang Industry to Gain Greater Development Opportunities

Q: Guangdong has proposed the concept of "manufacturing as the leader", which aspects can promote the digitization of manufacturing industry?

Zhang Chengkang: On the one hand, we will organically combine the upgrading and development of the manufacturing industry with the digital economy, explore the space for industrial value-added growth, and gather digital economic entities such as digital empowerment, intelligent manufacturing, and industrial software design to accelerate the formation of the ecosystem where the digital economy empowers the real economy.

On the other hand, we will continue to build a multi-level digital and intelligent transformation public service system to support enterprises in all-round, all-round, and full chain digital transformation; Improve the talent cultivation and training system for digital transformation in the manufacturing industry; Encourage financial institutions to open up targeted financial service products for digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, and continuously enhance the willingness and level of digital and intelligent transformation of traditional industries.

Q: Some small and medium-sized enterprises still face the dilemma of being unwilling to switch, and are also concerned about whether digitalization can bring new orders.

Zhang Chengkang: The transformation of digitization involves various aspects, not only orders, but also changes in mindset. For example, for the same acre of land, the grain yield from 600 kilograms to 1000 kilograms is a significant breakthrough, but it is also possible to plant 5000 kilograms in a three-dimensional space. When the advantages of domestic labor and land prices no longer exist, it is necessary to search for new factors again. And this element is a digital transformation represented by data utilization, where the chemical reaction of "data+other production factors" will stimulate the multiplication of the value of more elements.

Q: What emerging market opportunities are you optimistic about this year?

Zhang Chengkang: We are very optimistic about some market growth. Firstly, it comes from the expansion of new industries. Based on the existing software framework, we will strengthen the expansion and improvement of technology and product capabilities for new industries; The second is to focus on developing waist customers in certain industries, who possess specialized, specialized, and innovative attributes, as well as potential capacity expansion capabilities; The third is to expand the scope of demand mining, expanding the entire business domain from a single scenario value point to end-to-end, and increasing the coverage of solutions.

Specifically, we will focus on industries with great development potential, such as electronics, semiconductors, fast-moving consumer goods, medical devices, new energy, etc. SiE Information will grow together with enterprises in these fields. In recent years, SiE Information has maintained double-digit growth, and one important reason is to run alongside the Chaoyang industry.



上一篇:20th National Congress · Listening to Report | Chairman and CEO of SiE Information Zhang Chengkang: 下一篇:Media report | Outlook Oriental Weekly The water in the Pearl River is warm -- SiE Information enabl

